Published: June 09 2022

Vue + Fetch - HTTP PUT Request Examples

A quick set of examples to show how to send HTTP PUT requests from Vue to a backend API using fetch()
Published: June 08 2022

Vue 3 + VeeValidate - Display Custom Error for Failed HTTP API Request

A quick example of how to display a custom error message in Vue 3 with VeeValidate after a failed HTTP (AJAX) request.
Published: June 07 2022

Vue 3 - Redirect to Login Page if Unauthenticated

A quick post to show how to redirect unauthenticated users to the login page in a Vue 3 app.
Published: May 28 2022

Vue 3 + Vite - Access Environment Variables from dotenv (.env)

Quick example of how to create and access environment variables in Vue 3 with a dotenv (.env) file
Published: May 26 2022

Vue 3 + Pinia - JWT Authentication Tutorial & Example

Tutorial on how to build a simple login application with Vue 3 and Pinia that uses JWT authentication.
Published: April 14 2022

Vue 3 + VeeValidate - Required Checkbox Example (Composition API)

This is a quick example of how to implement a required checkbox field in Vue 3 with VeeValidate.
Published: April 12 2022

Vue 3 + VeeValidate - Form Validation Example (Composition API)

This is a quick example of how to setup form validation in Vue 3 using VeeValidate.
Published: March 25 2022

.NET 6.0 - Connect to MySQL Database with Entity Framework Core

This post shows goes through the steps to connect a .NET 6 API to MySQL using Entity Framework Core, and automatically create/update the MySQL database from code using EF Core migrations.
Published: March 18 2022

.NET 6.0 - Connect to SQL Server with Entity Framework Core

This post shows goes through the steps to connect a .NET 6 API to SQL Server using Entity Framework Core, and automatically create/update the SQL Server database from code using EF Core migrations.
Published: March 15 2022

.NET 6.0 - CRUD API Example and Tutorial

Tutorial on how to build a .NET 6.0 API that supports CRUD operations.
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