Published: October 07 2021

React - history listen and unlisten with React Router v5

How to register and unregister a location change listener in a React component with React Router v5.
Published: October 05 2021

React Hook Form 7 - Dynamic Form Example with useFieldArray

This is a quick example of how to build a dynamic form with validation in React with version 7 of the React Hook Form library.
Published: October 04 2021

Axios vs Fetch - HTTP GET Request Comparison by Example

Examples of HTTP GET requests sent with axios side by side with the same requests sent with fetch so you can compare the two and decide which you prefer.
Published: October 03 2021

Axios vs Fetch - HTTP POST Request Comparison by Example

Examples of HTTP POST requests sent with axios side by side with the same requests sent with fetch so you can compare the two and decide which you prefer.
Published: October 02 2021

Vanilla JS - Create an array with a range of numbers in a JavaScript

Some quick examples of how to generate a range of numbers in an array in JavaScript.
Published: October 01 2021

.NET - Startup Class in a Nutshell

The Startup class configures the services available to the .NET Dependency Injection (DI) container in the ConfigureServices() method, and configures the .NET request pipeline for the application in the Configure() method.
Published: September 30 2021

.NET - Program Class and Main Method in a Nutshell

The Main method is the entry point for a .NET application, when an app is started it searches for the Main method to begin execution. The method can be located anywhere in a project but is typically placed in the Program class.
Published: September 29 2021

.NET + MSBuild - C# Project File (.csproj) in a Nutshell

A .NET project file is an XML document containing MSBuild code that executes when you run the dotnet build command
Published: September 28 2021

.NET 5.0 - CRUD API Example and Tutorial

Tutorial on how to build a .NET 5.0 API that supports CRUD operations.
Published: September 27 2021

React + Fetch - Logout on 401 Unauthorized or 403 Forbidden HTTP Response

A quick example of how to automatically logout of a React app if a fetch request returns a 401 Unauthorized or 403 Forbidden response
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