Published: June 23 2022

.NET 6.0 - Connect to PostgreSQL Database with Entity Framework Core

This post shows goes through the steps to connect a .NET 6 API to PostgreSQL using Entity Framework Core, and automatically create/update the PostgreSQL database from code using EF Core migrations.
Published: June 22 2022

React - Access Environment Variables from dotenv (.env)

Quick example of how to create and access environment variables in React with a dotenv (.env) file
Published: June 21 2022

React + Redux - HTTP POST Request in Async Action with createAsyncThunk

How to send an HTTP POST request to an API in Redux using an async action created with the Redux Toolkit's createAsyncThunk() function
Published: June 20 2022

Node.js + MSSQL - Connect to SQL Server with Sequelize & Tedious

How to connect from Node.js to MS SQL Server using Sequelize & Tedious, and automatically create/update the SQL Server database from code.
Published: June 18 2022

Node.js + MS SQL Server - CRUD API Example and Tutorial

Tutorial on how to build a simple Node.js + MS SQL Server API that supports CRUD operations. Includes example front end apps in React and Angular.
Published: June 16 2022

React + Redux Toolkit - Fetch Data in Async Action with createAsyncThunk

How to fetch data from an API in Redux using an async action created with the Redux Toolkit's createAsyncThunk() function
Published: June 15 2022

React 18 + Redux - JWT Authentication Example & Tutorial

Tutorial on how to build a simple JWT login app with React 18, Redux and the Redux Toolkit.
Published: June 13 2022

Vue 3 + Pinia - Redirect to Previous URL After Login

How to redirect a user back to the previous (original) URL after logging into a Vue 3 + Pinia application.
Published: June 11 2022

Is Java the Right Choice as a First Language to Learn?

Decided to join the world of programming but have doubts about the language to choose?
Published: June 10 2022

Vue + Fetch - HTTP DELETE Request Examples

A quick set of examples to show how to send HTTP DELETE requests from Vue to a backend API using fetch()
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