Published: May 08 2012

Add HTML5 placeholder support to older browsers

This is a handy javascript function that I use on a lot of my sites to ensure that the html5 placeholder attribute is supported by older browsers.
Published: April 24 2012

MVC3 Partial View Validation

I came across a problem recently with server side validation of partial views in MVC3.
Published: March 15 2012

Dependency Injection in 1 line with MVC3 and Ninject

With the help of the NuGet and the Ninject extensions Ninject.MVC3 and Ninject.Extensions.Conventions, you can get dependency injection up and running with just 1 line of code!
Published: February 20 2012

Setting up Redmine on Windows Server 2008 with email via Exchange

In this post I'll describe how to install Redmine on Windows Server 2008, and configure it to receive email from Exchange server.
Published: December 16 2011

jQuery Searchable DropDown - fixes for IE9 bug and dynamically added items

I recently tried out the jQuery Searchable DropDown (v1.0.7) from and it worked perfectly except for 2 things:
Published: November 29 2011

NHibernate - Map Umbraco member profile properties with Custom Interceptor

I'm writing an application that uses NHibernate as the data layer, but is required to integrate with an existing Umbraco system. Specifically, I have a User class that needs to map to an Umbraco member.
Published: November 21 2011

Populate ASP.NET dropdown list with month names using LINQ

Using LINQ and the Enumerable.Range method it's possible to populate a dropdown list of month names in a single line.
Published: November 18 2011

Validate date dropdown lists with JavaScript / jQuery

A simple javascript function for validating a date that's input using 3 dropdown lists
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