Tutorial on how to implement JWT Login Authentication with Vue.js and Vuex, including a working demo login page.
Published: June 26 2018
Last updated: January 14 2019
A clean and simple custom ASP.NET Core API for User Registration, Login with JWT Authentication and User Management.
A quick tutorial and example of how to communicate between components in Angular 6 using the Observable and Subject classes
An example of Backendless development with Angular 6 and TypeScript, including "pass through" for selected urls to a real backend.
Published: June 14 2018
Last updated: July 02 2020
A clean and simple custom NodeJS API for Login, Registration and User Management. Includes example client apps built with React, Angular & Vue, and instructions on testing with Postman and deploying to AWS and Heroku.
Social sharing buttons for Angular 2+ available on npm. Buttons include Facebook Like, Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
Simple Modal Window in Angular 6. Custom example without the need for 3rd party libraries.
A Custom JWT Authentication Example built with Angular 6, TypeScript and Webpack 4
How to get the public key from a private key using JavaScript running on Node. Useful for AWS Key Pairs.
Published: May 16 2018
Last updated: September 14 2018
Tutorial with example of how to implement user registration and login functionality with Angular 6, TypeScript and Webpack 4