An example of backendless development with React and the Fetch API, includes "pass through" to real backend for unmocked URLs.
Published: March 02 2020
Last updated: August 31 2020
Tutorial on how to implement user registration and login functionality with React Hooks and Redux, including a boilerplate demo application and video on how to deploy to AWS.
Published: February 17 2020
A simple tutorial & example on how to setup alert / toaster notifications in React using RxJS and Bootstrap.
Published: February 10 2020
The below steps show how to quickly add a global LESS / CSS stylesheet to your React application using Webpack.
Published: February 08 2020
Quick example of how to setup form validation in React with the Formik 2 library. Includes validation for email, required checkbox and password/confirm password matching.
Published: February 08 2020
This is a quick example of how to implement a required checkbox field in React with Formik using the Yup object schema validator.
Published: February 05 2020
To connect to a remote MongoDB server running on AWS EC2 that only allows local connections you can use an SSH tunnel, also known as SSH port forwarding.
Published: February 01 2020
Last updated: April 22 2021
A quick set of examples to show how to send HTTP POST requests from React to a backend API using fetch()
Published: January 27 2020
Last updated: May 12 2020
A quick set of examples to show how to send HTTP GET requests from React to a backend API using fetch()
Published: January 11 2020
In this deployment tutorial we're going to setup a new production ready Windows 2019 web server on Microsoft Azure with IIS (Internet Information Services), then deploy a full stack Vue.js + ASP.NET Core + SQL Server application to it that supports user registration and JWT authentication.