Published: November 20 2016

Angular 1 vs Angular 2+ - Comparing Examples to Learn Angular 2+

Since the release of Angular 2 Final I've been slowly going through my Angular 1 tutorials and converting them to Angular 2, both to help me learn the new Ng2 framework as well as share the code with other developers. I find the best way to learn new technologies by building practical real world examples with them, this way I can see all the pieces working together in the context of an real application which helps me understand and remember what I'm learning.

I thought it might be helpful to be able to quickly jump between the different versions of matching examples to compare how some of the same problems can be solved with Angular 1 vs Angular 2+.

Angular 1 vs Angular 2+ Comparison

Below are links to each of the posts that I've converted so far to make it easy for developers that are looking at upgrading an application from Angular 1 or would like to learn Angular 2+ after already having learnt Angular 1.

Angular 1 Angular 2+
AngularJS User Registration and Login Example & Tutorial Angular 2 User Registration and Login Example & Tutorial
AngularJS - Pagination Example with Logic like Google Angular 2 - Pagination Example with Logic like Google
AngularJS JWT Authentication Example & Tutorial Angular 2 JWT Authentication Example & Tutorial
AngularJS - Custom Modal Example & Tutorial Angular 2 - Custom Modal Window / Dialog Box
Angular ngAnimate Tutorial & Example with UI Router Angular 2/4 - Router Animation Tutorial & Example

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